Q: “I know my attitude dictates how I react to my circumstances, but I don’t see how my attitude could possibly be creating my circumstances. What is the law of attraction, really?”
A: I am convinced that the law of attraction is like ...
I’m not going to pretend to know exactly what the law of attraction is or how it works. I believe there are few, if any, who really do. I also don’t understand how planes fly, how cell phones work, or even what electricity is, or how it works. That doesn't stop me from using these miracles to improve my life.
My understanding is that somehow in an intelligent, magical universe, we are all connected to each other, and to every thing. Our energy, spirit, life force, qi, or whatever else you want to call it, is creative. That (spiritual) part of me is the real me. My thoughts, my body, my feelings, and everything I’m experiencing is not me, but is a constant mirror of my energy level.
Because absolutely everything in the universe vibrates, it is highly likely that energy communicates and creates through vibration as well. We know what we are vibrating by observing our surroundings; that annoying guy at the office? He reflects and brings out energy that is already in you. If he were to leave, your energy would still be there, so you would find or create a new person or thing to create those feelings of annoyance that represent your energy. If your energy changes though, that guy can keep doing his thing and it will not charge any kind of negative emotion in you. This is more or less what it means when we say to look inside to solve your problems, and that trying to solve problems by working on your surroundings will be an endless hamster wheel of exhausting effort. You are trying to solve a problem by managing the effects of the cause, not by stopping the cause. More on this later.
I believe that every truly great teacher, from Buddha to Muhammad to Christ, focused primarily on helping people see that we create our own reality. It is a humbling thought to realize that we are responsible for everything we experience. This does not mean that you should beat yourself up for creating misery– as Joe Vitale says, you are not to blame for what you are experiencing, but you are responsible. Maybe when you consciously and intentionally create misery for yourself you can consider blaming yourself. Of course we know when you create struggle or even misery, it is not intentional, it is happening on a subconscious level. It is happening beyond your conscious awareness. Read the end of this article to understand this idea better, because everyone is always making the best choice they can based on the level of evolution they are at when the choice is made. The trick is learning to access and change the energy that is creating what you don’t want.
By STEVE Gardner on JUNE 23, 2011