Follow your instincts.
A survey by the Kauffman Foundation found 98% of company founders said the willingness to take risks is the usual stepping stone to entrepreneurial success. Successful entrepreneurs relied on their “gut-feeling” when it came to hiring people for their business.
Stay curious, learn new skills.
Studies of Stanford alumni have shown that people with a greater variety of roles in in previous jobs are more likely to become entrepreneurs. The smallest lesson learned can make a big difference in business.
Let go and delegate.
A great idea can turn into a great business only when you find and trust the right people to help make it happen. Entrepreneurs need help accomplishing their goals. Hire great people to work in the business so you have the time to work on the business.
Anticipate failure.
Making it big on the first try is a rare story. The path to success is not straight. No matter how meticulously you plan, you’re going to make a mistake. Maybe more than one. Some entrepreneurs, fixated on the idea that they’ll succeed on the first try, give up without a second try. By not anticipating failure, they failed.