Self-compassion allows you to meet life with an open-heartedness, and a tolerance that allows you to fully enjoy your successes and better manage the mistakes. It doesn't eliminate the pain, or change the reality of the experience, but it helps you move through it easier.
Here's how self-compassion works … What if I told you that you could take everything you hate about your job and shrink it to insignificance, and then take everything you love about your job and make it grow larger than life?
It may sound like a fairy tale, but there's real-world magic you can use to create genuine happiness at work and in life. The secret lies in understanding that your attention, beliefs and behavior create your Drama sucks.
Not “dramas” as in movies, TV shows, plays, etc that are serious in tone, but rather “drama” as in the petty ridiculous conflicts that get blown way out of proportion for no reason at all. Urban Dictionary has my favorite definition of this kind of drama: “making a big deal over something unnecessarily.” We’d like to believe that You'll never say "I can't" after watching this. What an amazing story! This short video is based on a TRUE STORY about a group of kids that went against the odds to accomplish great things! See if this rings a bell: You care about your happiness and wellbeing, so you work really hard to eat wholesome foods, get some exercise every day, build in down time and educate yourself on how to stay healthy. Maybe you're so knowledgeable that you have a job helping others look and feel their best (we know there are lots of coaches out there!).
But you can't help noticing a feeling that something's missing. Tiffany Peterson, Speaker & Coach, shares the universal Law of Harvest that is in place for all of us.
AuthorAchieve is helping individuals awaken their greatness from within. Through our proprietary world class mentoring and accountability format, we help individuals become clear, live fulfilled, and Achieve more. Archives
February 2015